Tuesday, May 17, 2011

~Malachi Can Read~

My baby can read. They told us they have been working on him reading. Malachi is very particular on how he reads. He wouldn't read for them out of a book they have to write it on paper so he can see it, since he refuses to wear his glasses (its a battle for another day). Malachi loves for us to read to him and he also loves to try and repeat exactly what we read after we have read it to him.

I love to hear him repeat the story to us as he turns the pages and looks at the pictures. Its so sweet. He has come so far since the beginning of his life. As his parents his father and I are over joyed with how far he has come.

Malachi always says "read to you" which is what he says when he wants us to read to him. Now from time to time he says "read to you, mommy" which means he wants to read to me. Its short and sweet but I take it every time he is willing. I even bought paper so that we can write on it and it will be big enough for him to read. We are going to start slow with a Dr. Seuss book but hopefully by the end of the summer he will be able to read the whole book.

Just because it might take Malachi a little longer than most children, nothing is ever to big for him. He will and he can do anything he puts his mind too. That is my Mr. Brilliant and I love him.