Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Poor Baby!

Its Thursday, the day Malachi was supposed to go back to school. He has been fever free for a few days. He is still low on energy from time to time but able none the less to go back to school. Instead yesterday around 3:30PM, I accidently poke him in the left eye. I wasn't sure how bad it was because he was just crying non stop. We are going into two hours of him crying and he finally falls asleep which I thought was the best thing at this time. He wouldn't open it so I wasn't sure how much damage I had done. Its now 12:30AM, Malachi is awake and screaming again. He isn't getting better with the whole eye thing so I decide to take him to the ER. This is our second trip there this week. I explain what happened, so the doctor and two nurses and me hold him down and put some drops in his eye. They add some dye and put a black light over to see how bad it is. I seriously did not get awarded the Best Mom of the Year on this one. His cornea is damaged. Has a huge abrasion. So they give him ointment to numb the eye and some medicine to help with pain and allow him to sleep because being Malachi this is the best cure, rest. The doctor said that they eyes are fast healers so he should be better in a few days. I hope so because right now it doesn't look so good. His eye is swollen and it looks like I punched him instead of poked him and he can't open it let alone see out of it. So now he won't be going back to school until Monday.  I tried to take a picture, but he doesn't want a picture taken, can't say I blame him. I just feel horrible.

Monday, February 14, 2011


My poor baby has the flu. I should have known the day before when he fell asleep in the middle of the day. Malachi doesn't take naps unless he doesn't feel well. He had been up since 3:30 that morning so we thought he was just tired. Last night he fell asleep before six on the couch which also isn't like him. So around eight I decided to carry him to bed. He felt really warm to me but I just went ahead and let it go, thinking it could be my imagination. Around 9:30 PM he falls out of bed and starts to cry. I run in there to get him and at this time I am positive he has a fever. It was around 103. He only wants daddy and he is still crying. We finally are able to get him to take some medicine and that seems to help for awhile. Needless to say we are up with him all night long. Poor Mike he has to work in the morning and Malachi is achy and only wants daddy. Malachi can't express inward pain. For example if he has a belly ache, he can't tell us. If his head hurts he can't tell us. All these things that I think are wrong with him are just assumptions. Mike leaves for work around 6:20 and I have decided to take him to the ER instead of waiting on the doctors office to open. Before we left he still have a fever of 101. We get in there and they exam him and do a swab. From this we find that has tested positive for the Flu. My poor little guy. So he has been resting most of the day and still only wanting daddy when he is awake. I hope he gets better soon. I sure don't like to see my baby sick.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Simple Pleasures

Malachi loves snow. Most people don't enjoy the coldness of it, or how it can make it difficult for driving among many other things. But for Malachi it's one of his many simple pleasures. He has no concept that its can be a major pain. This is one of the reasons I  learned to love snow. When you tell him that its going to snow, his face lights up and he says "snow". There was a time when he was afraid of snow. Wouldn't even want to go outside to be near it, even if you were carrying him. Didn't want anything to do with it. Then one year his Papa decided to take him outside and get on the ground with him, and roll around it in until he was soaked to the bone just so that my little boy could understand what snow was all about. That is what life is with Malachi. Taking the time to help him understand something he doesn't. It is not a simple task and it is not one we take lightly. We win some, we lose some but its worth it. The joy you see on his face when he finally does understand it, is the best reward for me as a parent. This is why I love snow. Because its the simple things we overlook sometimes that can make you feel like a child all over again. It warms my heart even if its knee deep and freezing because its a simple pleasure for a little boy who stole my heart seven years ago.